Happy Monday

Photo: Degas Magnet

 I bought this little painting on the streets of Paris.(November 2022) It has a magnet on the back and I adore it. In reality, it is a 3-d frame about 2" tall. The tiny figures are the 3-d part of the magnet. It is on the fridge and I look at it every day. It reminds me of a wonderful afternoon in Paris with Larry.

Each day I use an app on my phone called Finch. Today the introduction question was....

How different do you view yourself today, than 5 years ago?

Isn't that a great question?

How do you feel about the question?


Yesterday, I made Larry's favorite cake for him.  The recipe was given to me about 1974  and has been enjoyed by the family for ages.

Photo: Bishops Bread

It is very much like a pound cake with lots of goodies (fruits and nuts) in it. Larry loves it. It is called a Bishops bread, because  back in the "day" you never knew when the Minister or Bishop might come to call. This cake keeps for a long time after baking it, for when-ever you had company. I'm not sure if this one will last very long...each time Larry comes into the kitchen he gets a slice.

Happy Monday. I hope that your day is a happy one with special moments.

Love you beyond the moon.


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