My Blank Canvas

Isn't a blank canvas wonderful?
You have the ability to make it into anything that you wish to.
It is brand new and with a little thought, you can create a masterpiece.
You do not have to be an artist to experience this magic.
A new day is like a canvas.
A new meal is like a canvas.
A new friendship is like a canvas.
There are dozens of other examples, but I will not bore you.
You get the point.
Today my new canvas is a pair of Tom's.
I have {finally} decided on the flower to paint on them.
What is your brand new canvas?
Is it starting a vacation?
A new ballet class?
Did you make a new friend?
are you starting to write a new book?
Make it exactly as you wish it to be.
YOU are in control of your own masterpiece.
Off I go to paint a pair of Tom's.
It is my blank canvas for the day.
Love you.

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