The Reply

Oh My.
I have felt this coming on....I thought that it might be the weather?
No, no such luck.
Last week, Jamison got an interesting Facebook mail.
Something to the fact of
Why are our parents not friends anymore?
It did not upset me in any way.
Do you know that feeling when you are over something....
and you do not care one way or another?
I just shrugged and grinned.

Here is my personal message to the sender:
Hi, I just wanted you to know how neat it is that you contacted Jami.
My personal belief is that Family means everything.
There is nothing that can ever happen,
that would put any member of my family out of my life.
They ARE my life.

Situations come up in life, and sometimes people get upset and angry.
You must understand when that happens, everyone gets hurt.
Always: people will treat you the way that they feel about you.
That is a given.
Sometimes, you have to just say, 
I cannot make that person love and care about me.
That is when you come to terms about your feelings,
continuing to love the person, but move out of their life.

My actions had nothing to do with anyone but your Mom.
No step moms, or fathers....
I cannot make anyone care about me and treat me kindly.
I Just have the ability to move on.
Making my life happy and fulfilled in the process.
 I must have done something right.
Old memories are not discussed, nickel and dimed or thought about.
Living well is a gift that you can give yourself.
Follow your heart and you will always be happy.

I love you with all of my of my heart.

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