In my rush to post yesterday,
I never shared what happened at the cottage on Monday.

Lauren and Mitzu had an appointment with the Veterinarian,
and Matilda stayed with me.
Matilda acted like Goldilocks as she tried each chair at the dining room table.
It was so funny, because she always ended up in the same spot.
It is where Lars always sat for dinner when she was little.
Then, she was introduced to...
The ultimate junk food....PRINGLES.
After a snack, Jami came over and played soccer with her.
I ran the bubble machine in the gazebo.
Monday was, "Just Fine"
Larry has been gone for hours already.
I slept in again. I still get very tired.
Sometimes I feel as though left over radiation 
is bouncing off of my muscles while it is wearing me out.
Thats ok. I am alive to bitch about it.
{excuse my French}
Tonight we will meet dear friends for dinner.
I always look forward to meeting friends for dinner.
It is a perfect AIRING.
When we moved here in 1984,
 there was an older couple{Annabelle and Jack}
 that lived 3 houses down from us.
They bought their house new in 1969.
Jack was  smart, a grad of MIT and
Annabelle, was always there for me.
We shared food,
friendship, sadness...
I remember following the ambulance when Jack fell
and broke his back.
We stayed with them all night at Plano General.
When Lars was so Ill in 1996 Annabelle would call me
and say come on down to the house, you need an AIRING.
Whenever I use that term, I remember dear Annabelle.
I loved when she took me for an airing
to her Richardson Book Club. It was my favorite.
So dear ones, 
I am listening to my Ipod,{old Tony Bennett} 
getting ready to paint a bit,
and get this creative monkey off of my back.
Then .....
 looking forward to tonight's AIRING.

Happy Wednesday.....
Love you.

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