Such A Delightful Weekend

Happy Monday
{or is it?}
Oh sure it is. Happy, that is.
Take the deepest breath you can manage,
and let out the breath slowly as you count to 7.
Do this 5 times.

Terror On Saturday.
If I had known for sure, that a friend of mine was going to stop by
with her husband {to meet Matilda}
I would have cleaned the dog, snortle off the entry window.
{we had invited Lisa & Bobby over, but Larry kept saying,
they are so busy, they do not have time to stop by}
Lisa is the most organized person I know.
Clean too.
Larry and Have a pack and play now.
I must really be a Grandmother.

Matilda took her her first nap in the new Pack and Play.
Everyone had come to dinner on Saturday....Matilda
enjoyed the energy and activity.
Sunday Dinner and Movie

Steak, hash brown casserole & layered dip.
Movie: Little Women.
I cried when Beth died.
Autumn is slowly making its way to Texas.
Rain and cool air surrounds us.
I am waiting till 8:00 to see if the fog lifts,
Maybe I can fit in a long, strong walk.
It was such a delightful weekend.
I hate that it is Monday.
Love you.

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