Today I Am Grateful for Origami Cranes-I make one every morning

Walking At The Zoo

 Last Saturday morning, Larry and I got up early 
 drove to the Dallas Zoo.
It was super busy and very warm so early in the morning.
We took water and I walked my miles in an environment that I adore.
Many of the animals are rescues and would have died in the wild.
Larry and I have been members of the zoo for a long time,
helping support the special programs that they have in place.
Photo: Lacy

We walked much further than I usually walk. 
We were exhausted and hot.
Photo: Baby Flamingos

I believe that walking at the Dallas Zoo is one of my favorite exercise locations ever.  
 The tortoises are wonderful, and I have had the honor of feeding Jake on occasion. On Saturday, we were there when he was out moving around. He is adorable.

As I try to age as gracefully as I can, it seems that it always includes something much bigger than me and allowing me to feel quite humble.

It is going to be 100 degrees today again. I wonder where I will walk?

Please stay cool and hydrate.
Love you beyond the moon. 

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