Today I am Grateful for Hugs- I am having a bad day. A hug from Larry means the world.


Photo: Waiting at the DMV

I honestly don't know how it happened, but this year I forgot to renew my driver's license. This had never happened to me before. In Texas, we renew every 6 years and in January I said to Larry, I must renew my drivers license before my birthday in June.

June 10th came and guess what? My license expired. 

I had an appointment yesterday to renew the license at the Department of Safety complex. The new building is wonderful and everyone was very kind.

Guess who is renewed for another 6 years? I still cannot believe that I had forgotten to do this.


We came home to company. Daughter Lauren came with Em. They had to take a few birthday pictures of Em, and then Em agreed to play a game of chess with her grandfather.

Photo: The chess game. Em beat Larry


Now, please humor me?

I am having a really bad day. So much is happening that I am feeling overwhelmed and quite tearful. Thank you always for reading the blog. (the blog is important to me as it is my early morning "share" no matter how blase.) 

I have been blogging since 2005. Five mornings a week, the blog helps me on many levels and many of you (readers) have become friends. I thank you for being part of my day.

I found the message below and saved it for Larry, but I thought that I would share it with you today.

Love you beyond the moon.

1 comment:

Tamela said...

You are wonderful Robin!