Today I am Grateful for Fountain Pens-I use a fountain pen each morning when I write in my journal.

Random News This Thursday
Photo: The new Fit Bit Bands

Yesterday, I bit the bullet and ordered new bands for my old fit bit. A month ago, I thought that the Fit Bit itself had died, but it is like a phoenix and rose from the ashes.
Because it has a second life, I thought that a new "band" was in order.

I walk 5 days a week and take a yoga class each Wednesday. Having something (a Fit Bit) that makes me accountable, is a good thing.
 Inconvenient but good.

In other news, Larry has taken the old Corolla to the Toyota Dealership this morning. It has almost 150,000 miles now and a sensor, check engine light came on a few days ago and they will discover what is wrong. The old Corolla is the "old" car. It is MY old car, and it has been my favorite. We will have to make a decision if something big is wrong with it. Insert a sad face here.

Thats all my news for today.
(well, news that I wish to share right now)
Please a wonderful day.
Love you beyond the moon.

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