Feeling Content

 Last Thursday, I went to Dr P for my three-month checkup.

My panels came back great. I thought that I was in the clear for three more months. No such luck.

Dr P texted me yesterday to let me know that I have a UTI. Geeze. where did that come from? I had no symptoms.

So, I have new antibiotics for the next ten days. 

I feel a bit unhappy. Being healthy is my job. 

Ten days will go fast, right?


Focaccia bread is rising in the kitchen. While it was on its first rise, I walked 2 miles. It is my health walk....in the neighborhood.

Photo: The awesome tree trunk

Our neighborhood was created in 1967. It has old trees and little cottages.

When I walk in the neighborhood, I always feel renewed.

 I feel like I am home and content.

It is time to bake the new loaf of bread.

Please be content.

Love you beyond the moon.


1 comment:

pinkeerach said...

crazy to get a diagnosis when you don't experience the symptoms. glad you went for a checkup and will be on the mend.