Larry's Mother's Day Dinner

Happy Monday.
It is another gloomy day here in Plano.
Laundry is swirling and Larry is at work.
Yesterday, Mother's Day, was wonderful.
My Mother's Day started last Thursday....

On Thursday, Larry and I had dinner in Heartland Texas with Jami and Jared. I cooked dinner and took it to their house, Jared made extras to go along with it.
It was a lovely evening, filled with lots of Laughter and special moments.

 On Friday evening, our granddaughter Matilda had her piano recital for this spring. She has become quite accomplished as she has been playing since she was in kindergarten...7 years ago.

Saturday, Larry took me to the opera. Madama Butterfly.
I have seen M. Butterfly many times. This performance was very good. So much emotion and talent. I cried at the end. 

On Sunday, it was raining. It was a lot of rain. Larry and I exercised, and prepared dinner. I should say, Larry prepared dinner. He told me that he was cooking on Mother's Day. I told him that I would make dessert. 
(I made one of my mother's recipes.)
Photo: Mother's Cherry Squares

Larry's Menu for dinner was...
Crab Cakes
Asparagus Bundles
Stuffed Jalapenos

He did such a good job cooking and I ate so much.
(I'm back on my diet today)
Photo: Larry making his asparagus bundles

Photo: Finished asparagus

Dinner was spectacular.
Thank you love of my life (Larry)
It was a weekend to remember!
(we will celebrate next weekend, with Lars and Josh)

Here we are at Monday.
Please enjoy this day.
Love you beyond the moon.

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