The Perfect Loaf

Photo: In the dining room

 Larry is at the car repair place getting the rotors fixed on our old car.
He let me sleep in this morning! 
I got up, bathed, washed my hair, and watered my plants.
There is a peaceful something about watering the plants.
Perhaps it is because I call them my babies?

Now, I think that I will make a loaf of Focaccia bread.
Do you remember last year when I had an obsession about making origami cranes? (I still make one each morning)
Well, I seem to have that same obsession with bread.
Focaccia bread to be exact.
I keep trying new recipes, looking for that perfect loaf of focaccia bread. Maybe today's loaf will be that "perfect" one?

Please have a good weekend.
Smile often.
Love you beyond the moon.

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