Matilda's Ribbon

Photo: Larry with Matilda's ribbon and self portrait

 Last evening, Larry and I were invited to a very special ART exhibit. It was held at our granddaughter, Matilda's high school.
I loved seeing all of the ART. The middle school and high school students had numerous entries and were judged on these pieces.

ART is a special expression of a person's life. I know that the young people do not realize it yet, and I hope that they keep their ART in a special place. When they look back and reflect, it will bring joy in a very special way.

Going to the exhibit last night has inspired me.
I always have a knitting project on the needles, but there is something deeper that I need to express with a more exotic medium. 
Perhaps this summer I will attempt something special.
Matilda and I talked about a project board last night.
She has awesome things planned for this summer.
I cannot wait to see what she creates.

Do you have a project board with summer projects listed?
If you could do anything this summer, what would it be?

Working on a project is always a good feeling.
Love you beyond the moon.

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