Beautiful Moments

Photo: Lauren at Meow Wolf

 Yesterday, Lauren treated Larry and I to a morning at Meow Wolf. We went with Lauren, Matilda and Josh. It was the most wonderful ARTist experience. 
 It is impossible to truly explain our time in the house, but it was amazing and expansive. You can honestly spend hours inside and be inspired the entire time. I cannot wait to go back.
There are Meow Wolfs in Grapevine, Las Vegas, Santa Fe and Denver.
If you are ever in one of the cities, I highly recommend going.

After a fun morning, Josh treated us to lunch at Wildwood in Southlake. It was so good. I had tortilla soup. Thanks Josh!

We came home changed into shorts and t shirts.
Then I saw this on Larry's leg.
Photo: Larry's Leg

I said: what is that???
Larry said: Thats what happens when the weed eater has not stopped completely, and you get it to close to your leg.
 That is the most amazing boo boo I have ever seen.
It is almost pretty. (But ick)

It is Memorial Day 2024.
Larry is working, daughter Jamison is working and Officer Jared is working too. (everyone else has the day off)
It looks like I should get busy.
I am grilling out today. Burgers, brats, potato salad and a lemon cake.

 “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.”- Eleanor Roosevelt

Have a wonderful Memorial Day.
Love you beyond the moon.

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