Monday, Dinner and a Movie

This weekend, the mini painting was dry, I signed it and put it on the easel. It is a small painting, and a gift for one of Larry's clients.

Photo: Two by three painting. Oil on canvas

 Larry and I had the BEST weekend.
We spent Friday afternoon with Jami and Jared (and their two dogs) while they were off work. They both work on Memorial Day.
On Sunday, we went to Meow Wolf with Lauren, Josh and Matilda 
and then off to lunch. 
On Memorial Day, (yesterday) Larry and I exercised, and then I cooked dinner.
It was Sunday, Dinner and a Movie, but on Monday.

Photo: Monday, Dinner and a Movie

Hamburger, brats, potato salad and a cheap bottle of wine.
It was awesome.

We have had very bad storms in Texas this weekend.
I would like to thank everyone who has checked up on us.
Larry and I are so blessed by the people who are in our lives.
 Please be safe wherever you are.
Love you beyond the moon.

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