The Week In Review

Photo: Artisan Boule Bread

 It has been quite a week.
Getting over my attack was the major thing.
I would like to thank everyone who contacted me with their concern and love. It meant the world to me.
When my liver enzymes rise to that (bad) level, It just takes me a few days to recover. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Today, My Larry is being our gardener, taking care of Olive and Harold, (our olive and lemon trees) and he found a baby pecan tree that he has transplanted into a large terra cotta pot. It is one of the babies from the tree we had taken down last fall.

While Larry is edging and mowing the lawn now...I have a boule of bread rising. 

The obsession with Artisan bread has continued. I love to use bread making energy to move past my anxiety.

We have a busy family weekend planned.
I hope that you have a safe, wonderful Memorial Day.
Love you beyond the moon.

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