I Am The Other Sister

 There were once, two brothers. One kind brother and one mean brother. They did not get along nor did they see each other for many, many years.

Then, the mean brother passed away one summer night.  Even though he was mean, he was missed and people were sad because the people around him were thoughtful and always did the right thing.

The kind brother sent money to help with the funeral expenses. He asked that it be kept anonymous. He did it in honor of his brother.

The money was given to the daughter in charge of the funeral expenses.

But the mean man was never buried. His ashes lived in a box in the funeral daughters garage.(and still might be in the box for as much as I know) 

One night, the daughter who was in charge of the funeral and the "other" daughter met for dinner. Their husbands were there and it was a lovely evening.

The "other" daughter told the daughter in charge of the funeral, how the kind brother was the one who sent money for funeral expenses. She never said a word. NOT ONE WORD.

Soon enough, the "other" daughter heard that the funeral daughter did not believe the story about the kind brother sending money for the funeral. She flat out did not believe it...

But what would she care? She had spent the money put aside for funeral expenses, that is why the mean brother's ashes lived in a box in her garage.

The moral of the story is, always tell the truth and no matter who believes you, you will know in your heart that you did the best that you could.

Love you beyond the moon.


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