That Green Corn Moon

Photo: Matilda made a tote bag for me

 It is Friday, August 12th, 2022 and is 81 degrees at 8:00am here in Texas. My work table is a clutter with projects.

Here they are:

1. Painting the cards to mail from France

2. Churn Dash quilt block #8 

3. Making a new dress for our anniversary "date"

4. Posting today's blog

My ironing board is up. The dress pieces for a new dress are stacked neatly and ready to put together.

Matilda made me a new bag last week and I keep sewing projects in it. Every time I look at it or use it, I smile thinking about the morning that she gave it to me. I think that it was her way of saying good-bye to Camp Robi.

The studio is not dirty but …just busy with projects. I love having a variety of things to work on but, I must admit that sometimes, I feel overwhelmed trying to get everything done.

Hopefully, soon I will have all four things on my list finished and start a new list of to-dos.

It has been to hot to experiment in the kitchen, but soon I will post a new recipe...Hopefully!

Yesterday was a beautiful full moon. My calendar called it a Green Corn Moon. I'm not sure what that even is.

One thing I know is, I best get busy or nothing will get done.

Please have the BEST weekend.

Love you beyond that Green Corn Moon.


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