Glorious Blooms

 I found a photo today that was hidden in the depths of my Internet files. Taken on a weekend trip far away, before the pandemic. I remember days before covid, so very different than our days today.


Days are different now...but things of beauty are even more beautiful.  Have you noticed that? These orchids were the most glorious salmon color. I wonder if they survived the pandemic in their tiny greenhouse?

Larry and I are finally getting back into the rhythm of our life. It is a work in progress, but it is on its way to being our new normal. 

I have been resistant to the new normal for three years, but Larry has grasped it with both hands. (Our life changed dramatically 6 months before the pandemic hit the world)  

I often wonder how others are doing. Are they resisting a new normal? Are they happy to just move on and live their best life? 

Have you noticed that staying positive and being kind helps your state of mind?

Life is much like an orchid. Just when you think that it is dying and will not bloom any longer.....buds appear and glorious blooms open to remind us that life is a special gift.

Love you beyond the moon.


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