Editorial Comment About Apologies (and Bullies)

 Do you remember the last time that you apologized to someone? I do. It was an intimate few moments, that was only important to the two of us involved and it meant something important to each of us.

What on Gods green earth makes Will Smith think that a publicly orchestrated apology will make him be absolved of his disgusting slap (he slapped Chris Rock)  at the Academy Awards? 

Why won't he just go away? Why does Will Smith think that his apology has anything to do with any of us? 

His public apology to Chris Rock was not to Chris Rock. Chris Rock did not want to hear from him...it was to us. He is trying to clean up the filthy, arrogant, mess that he made by attacking someone in public.

I have my own problems and really don't want to see or hear of Will Smith. Ever again. 

I bet he would like to have THREE WISHES right about now.


As a product of a violent, arrogant person, there is just one word for people like this. A BULLY.

Being bullied is an awful thing...there is a control aspect in the mind of a bully that makes the selfish behavior acceptable in his little brain.

The best thing to do with a bully? Just stay out of their way. Ignore them, say little prayers for them and don't make eye contact. They are not capable of being sincere. It is all a show to allow the bulling to continue.

I remember apologizing to a bully once, for something I did not do, to "make things right". To this day, I have that humiliating feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Thank you for listing to me today. Please take a deep breathe and enjoy the beauty around you. I promise that out there...there are wonderful people, loving and kind.

Love you beyond the moon.



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