Angel Food Smoothies

Yesterday was a very good day. I saw DR S at noon and after my appointment, Larry, being on his lunch hour, took me for a smoothie. An Angel food smoothie. We ran a few errands before Larry came back to the office to work.

During the day, we talked about our spring holiday, wondering if we would return to Kaua'i in 2023. This years holiday was the best ever. I think that it resonated that way to me because the world seems so crazy right now.

Photo: Kapa'a, Hawaii. April 2022

 During the day yesterday, Larry was quiet. I knew that he was having a super busy day. It was when I was getting dinner ready that he came to the kitchen and told me that he had just booked a trip back to Kaua'i next spring. I cried. After 12 years of returning, I thought perhaps something had changed and we should go to Scotland or somewhere new. But no...and I am so glad. Thank you Larry. Mahalo.

This past weekend, we finished watching a show on Netflix. It is called The Cook Of Castamar. The episodes are dubbed but the story is a nice period piece and beautifully filmed. There are twelve episodes. I have the novel on my TBR list.

Our TV viewing has changed the past year or two....when we find something good to watch, it feels like we found treasure!

Please have a good day. Smile when you can or even if you do not feel like it. I promise that it will help.

Love you beyond the moon.


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