Black Eyed Susans

Even though it has been very hot the past few days...
the beauty that the tropical heat brings is a joy! 
Our Black Eyed Susans are blooming, finally! 
They usually burst open in the middle of June each year. 
This has been a yearly event for the past few years 
and they honestly make me smile.

Photo: The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart ~ RUMI

 It is a beautiful day today, hot, but beautiful.
I have written a letter to my pen-pal already and it is in the mailbox.
I have journaled and now will cut out (Fabric) for a new dress that I am making. These hot days linger on in the most distracting way, so I try to fill the moments with creative projects.
I am off to the market soon to get a rotisserie chicken for dinner. 
Doesn't that sound good?
Chicken, salad and chilled white wine 
AND we have a toll house pie for dessert.
What 104 outside? 
It will be a wonderful dinner for a hot day.
Please have a beautiful day today.
No matter where you are or what is happening in your life...
there is so much to be grateful for.
Love you beyond the moon.

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