Friday Symphony With Larry

On Friday, Larry and I had a date.
We drove into town during rush hour.....Dallas.
Photo: Dallas on Friday night

 We had tickets for the DSO...The Dallas Symphony at the Meyerson Symphony Center.

Photo: Reservations for dinner at OPUS

Dinner was amazing, as always. It was a lovely evening.
So lovely, a couple became engaged outside of a nearby window.

Photo: In the courtyard, by the window we were sitting, a couple  became engaged. It was sweet and romantic.

Wine with dinner was perfect. Larry always picks out the best.

Photo: Dreaming tree

The restaurant was full, 
and the man at the piano played for hours during dinner.
Then it was time for the concert.

The concert was to be Rachmaninoff's Concerto No. 2 in C minor,
but at the last moment it was changed.
Because Rachmaninoff was Russian, they changed the evening into a Ukrainian friendly  music experience.
Rachmaninoff is one of my favorite composters but I completely  understand why they chose something different for the evening.

It was another evening shared with Larry.
We talked a lot during dinner, we loved the piano man while we ate and people watching is a sort of fun,  guilty pleasure,
BUT...hearing the Dallas Symphony is always a joy. 
Special moments will live in my heart forever....
Love you beyond the moon.

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