Winning The Season

Last night Larry and I had the honor of witnessing Matilda's Volleyball team win the "season". These sweet girls and their awesome coaches worked hard this year and they have all grown so much!

Photo: Lady Tigers

I played volleyball in middle school but it was not like this. These girls are organized, coached like crazy and have a team spirit that is really special for 5th graders.

Photo: Matilda wearing her 1st place volleyball medal

Matilda, our granddaughter won the game point last night. Of course she will be mortified that I mentioned that here. She is shy and tries to keep things understated.  (I love her so much and am very proud of her)

On the drive home after we watched the Lady Tigers win, Larry and I were talking about how proud we are of our daughters and granddaughter. It is a very strong, content feeling.  We are also proud of Matilda's team, the Lady Tigers. They did a good job and were good sports.

Congratulations Girls. You did a great job, worked like a team and accomplished the big WIN!  I cannot wait till next season.

Love you beyond the moon.


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