About Mother's Day

 *My WordPress site is not well these days. I have the experts working to fixing it, but it might be awhile. The blog is filled with my personal thoughts and I understand if you do not want to read Toujours any longer. So much has changed in the past 2 1/2 years for me. It makes me feel whole to write down my thoughts/feelings/ current events. I am still writing. Love you. Me


Photo: Dallas Arboretum

About Mother's Day

The Friday before Mother's Day, I visited with Jamison and Jared in Heartland, Texas. It was a lovely visit, filled with hugs, sweet gifts, dog snuggles, many happy moments and lots of love.

On the Saturday before Mother's Day, Larry and I met Lauren, Josh and Matilda for brunch at Jake's restaurant in Frisco. We had the most wonderful visit. Matilda was between a volleyball game and a soccer game and the time went to fast. The morning was very special and filled with love.

On Mother's Day, Sunday, Larry made chicken salad, grabbed fruit and Champagne and took me on a picnic to the Dallas Arboretum. It was a beautiful day and I was touched by the effort that he put into the day. He even packed a centerpiece for our little table. He is amazing.

The weekend was very special....my cup runneth over.

Photo: Picnic dessert 

Mothers Day is one of those weird holidays. I am always surprised when my daughters celebrate me, when in my heart, I want to be celebrating my Mother.

My sweet friends who are great mothers also have been on my mind. It has been a difficult couple of years. I have tried to stay in touch with many of them, but to be honest, I think that so many people are tired. Just tired.

I will be here at the BLOGGER site for awhile...

It is a good place to land when WordPress is sick.

Please have a good day.

I love you BEYOND the moon.


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