Back To Basics~ Patti La Belle

 I love to cook, create recipes and collect vintage cook books. Following online chefs has been so much fun until now. What is happening to the format that I have enjoyed so much?

Do you follow people online who cook? You know the ones...who have snappy photos and mediocre recipes that they put their own spin on?

I have been following a few photographers, chefs and authors. Mainly in France and have enjoyed the process, until now. These social media moguls  are so busy following each other, recommending, kissing up to each other and selling their (expensive!) subscriptions for  online news letters, to remember that it is you and me that they need to be creating content for. 

The content has become boring and self serving. I am taking a step back from it all and tap into my "go to" bookshelves for inspiration.

Last evening, I was showing Larry one of the treasures on my book shelves. 

In 1999 Ms La Belle published this amazing cookbook. It is one of my favorites, as it consists of classic recipes for home cooking. You can buy it on Amazon and at used book stores. 

It is honestly one of my treasures. I recommend it. Pick out a few recipes and prepare them while listing to Ms La Belle's music.  Both are timeless and wonderful. (and please send me photos???)

My "go to" bookshelves are filled with so much inspiration. It is time that I start getting back to basics again....

Love you beyond the moon.


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