The Almost Hair Appointment

 Yesterday I went to the salon to have my hair trimmed. The interesting thing is, the appointment was for today.

 I sat outside of my stylist's salon for a few minutes waiting for my appointment and when a woman with two young girls arrived. I thought that something was wrong.

Checking my appointment text, DARN IT. My appointment was for today. A whole 24 hours later. 

I am having a difficult time.... my mind is fuzzy and my ears are ringing. I have a bad cold again and this is the second time in two months that I am having a major respiratory episode.

Photo: Reading and sipping hot chocolate

My will power has been non-existent, and I have been cheating on my diet.

I have not walked my miles in days, and am only eating junk food.

Hot chocolate and donuts! Here I come!

Photo: Krispy Kream wonderful St Patrick's donuts this weekend.

I cannot breathe through my nose and a cough hurts my chest. The poor immune system is shot.

With mask in hand, I am going to have my hair cut today. At Least I will look presentable, right?

Please have a happy weekend and wonderful St Patrick's Day.

May the luck of the Irish be with you. (I'm Scottish so I can say that) Love you beyond the moon.


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