Hello July!

You know what they say about July...
"Some of the best memories 
are made in flip-flops!"
Photo: Kauai, April 2023

May your month be filled with special moments,
(I know that I always say that, but I always mean it!)
my personal vow for this month is to make a difference.
It might be selling a few of my paintings and donating the money
 to St Jude's Children's Research Hospital.
It might be volunteering my time with young children at the library
teaching a member of the community how to read.
Do you have any special plans for this month?
Please share your ideas in the comment section below,
you might inspire one of my awesome readers.
Be safe and happy.
Love you beyond the moon.


Judy said...

I will be at the Rhein art center for a week teaching arts and crafts.

Pastelred said...

That sounds like so much fun. I wish that I lived closer to Dayton!