Sunday Dinner and Movie

Photo: Sunday afternoon at The Cottage
 Yesterday, I was not feeling 100%, so we stayed home from church and I Larry took over dinner while I rested.

Our Sunday menu:
Potato salad
Deviled eggs
Mini ham and cheese sandwiches on croissant
Dessert: Orange cake
Beverage: Robin's Summer Sangria 
Photo: The table

Our movie was a lesser known Doris Day movie.

Photo: I love Doris Day AND Jack Lemmon

This movie always makes me smile. It is so classic.

Larry is working today and I an trying to get the laundry done.
He asked if I wanted to walk 30 minutes after I finish the laundry.
Yuck. We will see about that. Wink.

Tomorrow I will share my Summer Sangria recipe! 
( a friend requested the recipe and I  thought that I would post it here)
Stay tuned!
Love you beyond the moon.

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