Le Sourire-The Smile

What is it about a smile? Even when my heart is heavy, I can smile. Even if I am crying, I can smile...and when I am upset and someone is silly and makes me smile, it lifts my spirit.

 The scientific aspect of smiling is intriguing. Knowing how many muscles it takes to smile, makes me want to smile just to try it out!
I have a favorite poem, it is short and it the author is...
F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

"It was only a sunny smile
and little did it cost in the giving.
But like the morning light,
it shattered the night,
and made the day worth living"

How wonderful is that? Written by F. Scott himself and we know how gloomy HE was.
Le sourire, the smile, is so important to each and every day.
I wish that you could see my smile...as I write this today.
Happy Friday.
Love you beyond the moon.

1 comment:

Bobbie said...

Robin: your post made me look up a speech I made at the hospital volunteers award banquet. It was about smiling, especially important for a volunteer who comes into the hospital. Part of my speech said:

Smiles are one of the most important forms of nonverbal communication and smiling is contagious. Studies say that the reason we smile when someone smiles at us is that we want to feel the same way as that person and so we mirror their expressions. Smiling can actually help people reduce stress and deal better with pain.

I do believe that and even though it might be hard to know if people are smiling at you with a mask on, I think the eyes tell the story too.

Have a wonderful holiday! much love, Bobbie