Author~ Friend~ Artist~ Chef

 Ten years ago, I met a wonderful person on Facebook. Samantha Verant. We had France in common and many assorted things. She supported me with humor during my first bout with breast cancer (she called my tumor a "chick-pea") and shared her amazing life with me. She moved to France to be with the love of her life and I find that exciting and frightening all at the same time. I admire her very much.

Did I mention that she wrote? She writes books, novels. I was a Beta reader when she was writing "Seven Letters From Paris", and I must admit that I am proud of that! (I love that book! It has so much heart) 

Samantha has been busy writing and sometimes Amazon highlights her novels. 

Her novels are built around charming, well defined characters. 

Her first Sophie novel was, 

The Secret French Recipes of Sophie Valroux

It was my escape during difficult days and made me think of my adorable friend writing away in SW France.

Her second Sophie was released on Tuesday

October 19, 2021

and that is the day that my copy was delivered! Please look for it? 

Sophie Valroux's Paris Stars

It is on the top of my TBR stack....and I honestly cannot wait to start it

Here is Samantha's web site: Samanth Verant

Here is a google listing of her books: Samantha's Books

Personal note:

Dear Samantha,

Hello sweet friend! I hope that you do not mind me shamelessly plugging your books. You know that I am a fan and now that Sophie is part of my book stack, I am anxiously awaiting her third adventure. 

Please let me know if I can test a recipe or two for you?

Sending hugs,



Now, It is time to start my day. I must get errands done so I can read later today.

Love you beyond the moon.


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