The Remission Happy Dance

Yesterday was a super long day.
I did not sleep well the night before,
leaving me emotional and spent for the big Monday.
The DRs office was busy.
The appointment was early and Larry came with me.
He sat in the waiting room, with his computer up, working.
I think he knows how upset the visit makes me and wants to be there for support.
Dr H was amazing, He said that he heard that I was anxious.
He frowned at me.
I am not typically a nervous Nelly.
He said, lets get this done so you can know.
He examined me. All was well.
{I have extensive swelling at my left armpit, due to 5 lymph nodes being removed
slow healing}
Then I went over for my mammogram.
The tech was new, and she KILLED me.
She said: sorry hun, am I hurting you?
I thought: Good grief lady. Don't you see the two 5" scars there?
Ouch ouch ouch!
She was from Germany with a huge accent.
I secretly called her Hilda.
I was then taken to the waiting room.
There is a special room for breast cancer ladies to await news.
Magazines are not touched.
4 boxes of tissues sit in the middle of the table, reminding us that it is ok to cry.
I was the third lady there.
We sit, numb, looking at each other.
We do not have to say a word to each other.
The feelings are cast in stone.
Hugs are always welcome though.
Then the nurse comes in saying your name.
You go into the hall, recieving your test papers.
Next comes the face of Dr H, smiling, giving me the thumbs up.
I am fine for 6 more months!
Today, we are doing the remission happy dance!
Thank you dear friends for the notes of encouragement.
I really needed them.
Love you beyond the pink ribbon!

1 comment:

Teagirl said...

I am so sorry I missed this. Congratulations on another good report! Hugz hugz hugz! <3