Who's Birthday is Coming?

The "Butterfly" is turning 3 next month.
It is difficult to believe
that this bundle full of sweetness and energy, will be 3 years old.
At Christmas and on her birthday I try to sew something for her.
Right now, nighties seem to be the popular garment...
so I am on a hunt.
A hunt for a particular nightie pattern,
that Lauren had when she was Matilda's age.
Lars remembers the nightie very well, as do I.
I can close my eyes and see Lauren in the charming nightie,
 chasing fireflies, at dusk, in the garden.
It does not feel so very long ago.
Now Matilda is in our lives.
I look into her face and wish my Mother could have met her.
She has the same curly hair that Mother had,
a mischievous smile  that is all of her own.
She is blithe of spirit
filled with the knowledge only a toddler knows.
I am in awe of the miracle  known as Matilda.
And she will be three years old!
My hunt might be almost to an end.
On EBAY today, I think I found the pattern.
You know THE nightie pattern.
 It really does not matter what I give her for her birthday,
I will get the biggest hug in the world just because she loves me.
Changing the subject,
I feel a dinner party coming on...
look for an invitation soon!
Love you.

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