The Anti Selfie Post

Isn't it thrilling what cameras can do these days?
They can make the average "Joe" a photographer
the professional photographer an outstanding artist.
I miss film.
I miss the funky instamatic camera.
Photographs and photographers inspire me.
But may I say one thing?
I am sick of every day selfies.
Some people take a photo of themselves every day and post it.
I adore you.
I think that you are great,
I do not need to see a selfie of you every day.
{does anyone love everyday selfies? Be honest}
Oh the tilt of the head.
Oh the purse of the lips.
Oh the  Heidi Klum smile.

Let someone else take the photo of you.
Do all of these things and let someone else take the photo.
It will be amazing.

I am pushing pigment around a canvas today
it feels marvelous!
Love you.

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