Fragile Day

I am not sure why,
but I feel overwhelmingly fragile today.
It is early, and Larry has been gone an hour already.
He did not sleep well last night, I guess we both had trouble sleeping.
Larry and I were to be in Orlando this past weekend.
Larry had so much work to do, he and his boss discussed it
and we stayed home.
Larry completed the work. Yay,
and took me on a date Saturday night.
A charming evening, sipping wine and enjoying the best dinner ever.
 Sunday was overcast and promised rain and it did rain!
There are many people who were struck by tornados.
Losing so much of your life, is impossible for me to fathom.
May the people struck this past weekend be
guided with Faith and love.
Sunday! Dinner and a Movie!
We have been lax about the tradition lately.
So, yesterday, I cooked, Larry had a beer
we watched the movie: Pride and Prejudice.
{the old BBC version}
I made tortilla soup, taquitos and queso.
It was good. We ate to much.
It is Monday morning and my laundry is still not sorted.
I have been thinking about AJAX, the sweet Boston who left us.
Her birthday is coming up on the 29th.
I think of her often.
Her Mom and Dad are such wonderful people.
AJAX brought them into our life.
Tuesday{tomorrow!} is my best friends birthday
and her unwrapped gift is here staring at me.
{Lara, I promise to mail it today}
Libby has not eaten her breakfast this morning
I feel fragile.
I don't know exactly how to explain it to you,
but it is how I feel today.
 My Family Dr. , my endocrinologist and my oncologist
are trying to balance out all of my medications.
Maybe I just do not feel well?
Besides, who feels happy on a Monday Morning?
Have a happy, fragile day.
Love you,

1 comment:

Teagirl said...

I love you Robin. Thank you so much for the beautiful gift. I am glad Ajax and I share the same birthday, I loved her, too.
I am sorry for not keeping up, I did not realize that you were not feeling well. I hope you are feeling better now.
Thinking of you always.
Love and hugz.