Lunchtime Gifts

One week ago I had my last radiation treatment for breast cancer.
My appointments were scheduled at lunchtime for 7 weeks.
I did that because Larry asked me to.
He said, that way, if he could make it to Texas Oncology with me,
he would.
And he did. He missed only two of my treatments.
{on the days that Larry missed, Jamison came with me.
I was never alone for a treatment. Strange. That just occurred to me}
Today, at lunchtime, Larry has an appointment to give blood
at Carter Blood Care.
He said it was in honor of me and to celebrate
this time in our lives.
Have you given blood this past month?
Are you on the bone marrow donor program?
If you would do any of these things in the name of a loved one,
do you know what a perfect gift that would be?
It feels better than a birthday gift.
I promise.
Love you beyond the moon.


Teagirl said...

OMGosh, your Larry is One In A MILLION <3

Val said...

Robin - just caught a glimpse of this piece. Having put blogging on the back burner for a while it's hard to come back - and see all the things going on with everyone, but I'm happy to see your positive writing, beautiful as ever. Love and light to you. Valerie