Remembering One May Morning

Have you ever had to throw something away that you loved?
A something you have had for years?
{over 20 years?}
Monday, I threw away my beloved  yellow timer.
Lauren & Jami gave it to me for mothers day many years ago.
It was exactly what I needed, and it was in their budget.
I loved that yellow timer.
It died on Sunday and the trash men took it away on Tuesday.
It was one of those sentimental gifts that you expect to last forever.
Remembering my little girls handing me a wrapped up timer one May morning.
I am glad that you cannot see the tear trailing down my cheek.
Life is so amazing, sometimes it takes my breath away.
Love you beyond the 15 minute mark.

1 comment:

Teagirl said...

Oh Robin, this is beautiful. My eyes are leaking, too. :(