Renual of Spirit, Life & Love

Easter Sunday Was wonderful.
The house was full of happy voices,
good food, puppy dogs,
and positive energy.
I must admit, I cannot cook an "amazing" hamburger,
but an edible one, all other food was yummy,
a good time was had by all.

Mitzu took a nap on the far side of the table.

After the party while cleaning the linens,
 I noticed, Larry's wine shares a wall
with my washing machine. Oh Merde.
This cannot be good. Lets not tell him?
(Finding a new home for that wine would a nightmare)

The plant, under my Grandmothers clock,
was dead last year.
I mean, snap the branches off and call me dead, dead.
It stayed dead for about 4 months...
It lived outside on my potting shelves.
Waiting for me to clean the pot and plant something new.
Then one day it sent out a tester leaf.
Look at it now. Alive.
I keep it contained in the small planter...
and it looks like a weepy, creepy tree from
an Emily Bronte novel.
To me, Easter is about renewal, and living a happy life.
My prayer is,
Dear God,
Please never let me take it for granted.
Love you,


Samantha Vérant said...

A happy life! Yes! A happy (belated) Easter to you and yours, Robin

Teagirl said...

Robin, I adopted a little "bonsi" fig tree from Walgreens a fer years ago. Actually, I purchased one and loved it, so when I saw another one, more than half dead, I couldn't stand to leave it at the store. They had it marked half price, and I talked them into less. All the leaves were dried and in no time, fell off. Months past and one day - a teeny tiny leaf appeared. Now my little fig tree is vey happy and full of leaves and lives with his other fig tree friend. I love them - they make me smile. I am partial to ficus trees anyway, large or small. Loved your blog, today and always. ♥

Pastelred said...

Lars, that is because you thave a GREEN THUMB! Happy Monday.