A Perfect Saturday

Larry and I had the privilege to attend
the Medal of Honor Parade & Celebration
Gainsville, Texas
Jami (on the right) and Jess ( her best friend)
were assigned to one of the awardees,
to protect, escort and attend to.

Jami, Ken Stumpf & Jess
This was Jami's second year assigned to Mr Stumpf.
(More about Mr Stumpf HERE)
He is a bundle of sheer delight.
When I am in the room with the Medal winners,
I find myself in awe knowing that their bravery
have afforded us freedoms we might never have had.
After a parade with many fly overs,
bands, servicemen & women,
Medal of Honor Awardees
I  find myself in awe....
May we never forget the gifts given to us.
Love you.

1 comment:

Val said...

These ceremonies are always moving. Thank you for this post honoring those who sacrifice for this nation in ways some people will never understand, Robin. Not to mention, the smiles on the faces of these two young airman are priceless! A perfect piece of Sunday "nice" news.