Welchs Grape Juice

I can hear birds singing.
They remind me of sitting in the kitchen
of my grandmothers house on spring days.
In Pittsburgh, on spring mornings, the windows
and doors would be open.
Fresh air and singing birds would greet me.
My Gran would give me Welchs Grape Juice
 and Sugar Crisp cereal.

As the seasons change,
and so many changes are happening within our family,
I find myself remembering
wonderful things from the past.
Sugar Crisp
My Grandmother
The ART teacher at AI DuPont HS (in DE) whom I adored
Meeting Larry
 This week holds the definition
of many changes to come.
I am thrilled, happy,
but also frightened.
If there will be changes, I want to make them!
I hate sitting and watching,
with no power at all,
so many things that will effect my life.
I guess now is when I let my Faith take over.
Faith that everything happens for a reason,
Faith that Libby will age gently,
Faith that I will start painting again...
faith that the events of this week
will bring happiness and joy to the people around me.
I will share when I can...
but till then,
Thank you so much.
Your good thoughts and prayers touch me.
Love you.

1 comment:

rosemary said...

Robin, keeping all good thoughts for whatever is happening for you!