A Favorite Thing

We have a lot of bottles around the house.
Larry collects wine, and after drinking a bottle,
 he saves only the labels.
It is so wasteful....
I found a solution to the "Bottle Waste"
that we are experiencing.
When we finish a bottle of wine
I wash out the bottle,
let it dry one week,
 (while it is upside down)
then fill it with my favorite Olive Oil.
( I buy OLIVE OIL by the gallon at Restaurant Depot)
I bought this wonderful spigot at
Williams Sonoma,
but you can find them anywhere.
Because the bottle is dark, and protects the oil,
I keep it on the counter.
The idea is to reuse the bottle.
(if you do not drink wine
ask a friend who does
 to save old bottles for you)
When the oil is gone,
I either refill this bottle,
use a new one that I have prepared.
I keep a few ready, and
 the spigots are about $6.00.
 I buy 3 at a time.
A favorite thing!
Have a perfect day.
Love you.

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