Everyone Should Have One

It is almost impossible to share with you how the days have been.
Just waiting for news from a DR
makes us look at things in such a strange way.
Not consistent of any one emotion,
just happy, sad, mad, etc,
as reflections of the past swirl through our memory.

For years, Larry has looked at me and said,
She (Libby) is going to break your heart.
Libby came to me, when I was the ONLY family member wanting a dog.
A PUG? Who gets a pug?
I had always wanted a pug.
Libby came to me during the worst turmoil of my life.
My sisters and father had chosen not to be part of my life,
Lauren had been quite ill
Jami struggling with the stigma of being the sister of a very sick sibling.

Larry has always spoiled me
and when I met
 a man who had 4 female pug puppies,
he knew it was puppy time.
Libby was one of these 4 AKC pugs.
She came home on Sept 18th, 2001.

Libby has become a very important part of the family.
Lauren & Jami each have a different, amazing, relationship with her.
Lauren & Josh host her when we are out of town.
Jami will take Libby
 to her apartment for a sleep-over this week.

Elizabeth's Stormy Liberty
(Libby's AKC name)
reminded us what family and love is truly about.

Good memories, fun, happy dog, Libby is famous...
recognized by her photographs on AVANTI cards
and calendars...
all that aside,
Libby just loves me.
She will never leave me for money or power.
Dogs. Everyone should have one.
Love you for listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is such a touching post, Robin. The relationship that one can develop with a dog is amazing and always so wonderful to me. They add such life and love to any family. Love to you all, Amber