Today I am grateful for cereal.

The next door cat spends a lot of time in our back garden.
We called him Orange Kitty for the past year, till last week.
Larry was talking to our neighbors and learned that his real name is "Pickles"
Who would have ever guessed?
He has been over visiting every day since Larry has been out of town...
I like the company.
Photo: Pickles 

 I had breakfast again for dinner last night. Cooking for one person is not a happy thing. In fact, I don't like it at all, so last night I had....
Photo: Reading and enjoying dinner

I have not had Lucky Charms in years. They are very sugary and very good. I had 2 bowls of them while I read.
They were Magically Delicious.

Be happy today. XOXOX
Love you beyond the moon.

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