Today I am grateful for Stand Up To Cancer

 Stand Up To Cancer


Yesterday, I saw an interview with the amazing author, Sophie Kinsella. Sophie has an aggressive form of brain cancer and is dealing with life one day at a time.

Isn't that the way all of us should be living our lives whether we have cancer or not?

I am guilty of not dealing with life one day at a time. I worry about the future so much that my anxiety goes through the roof. I also worry about the past, even though there is nothing at all that I can do about it.

Sophie's interview today reminded me why I fought the breast cancer so hard. 

I wanted to live. Thats all. Live.

In the process of fighting breast cancer (both times:2012 & 2019), I came across people who really did not want to or could not deal with me any longer. I call them the friends who ghosted me during cancer. There is nothing worse than losing friends when you are going through surgery and treatment. It makes you wonder a whole lot of things. There! I finally said it. Karen and Lori, you know who you are.

Stand Up To Cancer sponsored the scientists that created a special test that my tumor took after surgery. The test graded my tumor, and the grade gave me an idea of the treatment I should go forward with. It is called the Onco DX Test.

Larry found wonderful Stand Up To Cancer T shirts for us.

Without Stand Up To Cancer, I would not be here today.

Here is to today....

Love you beyond the moon.




pinkeerach said...

It sucks to lose friends at the same time as your health. But I'm glad you were able to "separate the wheat from the chafe" as they say. I'm grateful you're still here!

Pastelred said...

Pinky, It was not easy, the cancer or losing a couple of friends. I guess they were not friends in any sense of the word. Thank you for your support.... cancer is part of my tapestry now. Sending hugs. R