Today I am grateful for pie-this weekend, I made a blueberry pie

The Blueberry Pie
 It was a distracting weekend.
I do not talk about politics on the I'm not saying a word and I appreciate no political comments below. Thank you so much.

Larry and I survived the heat, exercised, ran errands, I started knitting a new project, and my "July" Book is half done! (I am reading "An American Marriage" by Tayari Jones)

Sunday dinner and a movie, menu was individual beef Wellingtons, potato casserole, salad and for dessert I made Larry's favorite pie.
Photo: Sunday Dinner and Movie

We put a DVD in..the movie was La Vie en Rose (Edith Piaf), for Bastille Day.  We own the movie and have not watched it in years. BUT it was so dark and sad, that we turned it off and watched the end of the UK/Spain Football Finals.

I am glad that it is Monday.
My laundry is almost finished, (I started it early because it is going to be 100 degrees in Dallas) and when the laundry is done, I am going to drag Larry to the rec center, (on his lunch hour of course) while I use a treadmill for 30 min. It is too hot to walk outside in Texas today.

Please have a great day and remember we do not have to agree about everything in the world to be kind and thoughtful to each other.
Love you beyond the moon.

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