Today I am grateful for nostalgia-

Fifty Years
Photo: Last week Larry brought me this plant instead of flowers.

 Last week, Larry brought home a plant. A zebra plant. The colors were vibrant, and the bloom was bright yellow.

Larry then told me that he had adopted a zebra plant before we were married. The story was important, because he kept that plant alive for a very long time.
That is the ONLY plant that has ever kept alive. Ever!

While he was telling this story, it hit me that Larry and I have known each other 50 years. That is shocking because it doesn't feel like 50 years at all.

Looking back over the years, I have only sweet memories of my life with Larry. Sometimes, I wonder what good thing I did to deserve him?

We still love each other even though 
we have been through things that might break a couple up. 
I am thankful every day for Larry...and the wonderful memories.

"You will never know the true value of a moment,
until it becomes a memory"

I have known this wonderful man for fifty years
and I cannot wait for our next chapter....

Love you beyond the moon.

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