Today I am Grateful for Exercise- Yesterday I walked 2.5 miles


Yesterday, at Larry's lunch hour, we walked my laps around the lake. It was beautiful outside in north Texas while south Texas was (and still is) struggling with hurricane Beryl.

Photo: At the lake

The walk was lovely but super humid and I had a difficult time the last half lap. (This week hasn't been a good one. I'm not feeling 100% and have no specific complaints)

I have been working on creative projects to just keep busy. Em (our granddaughter) has a birthday coming up. We have all of her gifts, but I am making her something.  Let's face it. Making a gift for a 13-year-old is always a gamble. I hope that she will keep the gift and, on some level, someday, appreciate it as a gift from me.

I have not "journaled" in over one week. Things just have felt to huge to write everything down. 

 This quote about "older" brains.... On top of less mass, older brains tend to get less blood flow, and the connections between nerve cells slows. These age-related changes could have some unwanted side effects. Once you hit 70, your attention span might get a little shorter and some things might be harder to recall. (gosh)

I am dressed and ready to go to the senior center and use the treadmill for my 30 min of walking today. The exercise room there is amazing, it has wonderful equipment and a great, positive vibe. I take yoga at this same rec center each week. 

Let's keep everyone affected from the storm Beryl in our thoughts and prayers?

Thanks for listening. Today is going to be ok. Please have the best day that you can imagine.

Love you beyond the moon.


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