Today I am Grateful for Cupcakes


Photo: Kroger Cupcake

 I hope that everyone had the best 4th of July.
Our Texas day was beautiful, hot and sunny.
It honestly felt like a holiday!
Larry and I cheated and had SUGAR in the form of mini cupcakes.
I had 3 of them and loved every bite.
Today I will exercise and eat better.

Yesterday, my email account closed due to being full.
(I do delete but there is another layer where it needs to be deleted again, that I cannot get to)
It's not that I get super important email every day, but there is something unsettling about not being to get it.
My Dear Son In Law helped me fix the problem, and I am once again receiving email! 
Thank you so much Josh.
Your computer help is a blessing.

Oh, please remember......

Love you beyond the moon.

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