An Evening With Neighbors

Photo: Larry and Lew

 Saturday we were invited for an evening with our next-door neighbors. We have not had a chance to visit with them in ages and how wonderful it was to spend time with them.

Lew turned 93 this year and he lives with his sweet daughter Debbi. 

Debbi and Lew made the loveliest table, filled with goodies.

Photo: The lovely table

Lew has stories of D Day. He was a young boy and has vivid memories. 

We toasted Father's Day with Champagne and enjoyed Freak Show Cab with dinner. 

Photo: I guess Debbi knows us so well. (Freak Show)

Larry had a great fathers day. I will share more photos this week.

Please have a happy Monday.

Remember to breathe.

Love you beyond the moon.


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