Dear Princess Catherine

 I wish that I could talk to Princess Catherine.
Just for a few moments.
I would share with her what cancer has taught me.
She has some of the best Drs in the world but they are forgetting one thing...and you can see it in her face.

Dear Princess Catherine, I am very sorry that this has happened to you. Cancer is a dirty word, and the diagnoses changes your life forever.

My name is Robin and I have had breast cancer twice, seven years apart. They were different cancers in different breasts. (the oncologist called it a fluke)  My life felt shattered.  After the tears, I smiled. I knew that God had me in His hands, I decided not to hide and was immediately open with family and friends. I let them cheer me up and I did not hide away.

Of course I had down times. We all do, but then we have to snap out of it and live our life as close to how we did before cancer.

One of my Drs recently told me that if we had found the first cancer any later than we did, I would not be here today. It is a sobering comment but one to smile at. I am HERE!

We cannot change what happens during this journey that we are on, but we have complete control how we handle it.

Please smile, even when you don't want to. Play with your children and write notes to your friends and most of all remember how you live today is your choice and wasting a moment of this precious day cannot help you recover.

I wish you only the best. 

Robin Tolbert

1 comment:

pinkeerach said...

I love this so much. Cancer does not discriminate amongst the rich, the poor, or anyone in between. Our mortality is one thing we will always have in common.

And our vulnerability. Thank you for sharing your heart and your story, Robin! I'm so glad you're still here.