The Spies/Rant Alert

Photo: My favorite daisy's

 Larry bought me Saturday flowers last week. They are still as happy and fresh as can be.

May I complain about something?

On Facebook, have you ever noticed that 
some people (usually family members who you have no relationship with) follow you very closely? They "like" posts but never comment on anything.
You would think that if they liked something, they could type, hi, how are you doing? It doesn't take much more effort.
There is a person from my side of the family and a couple from Larry's who have been doing this for about a year.
Larry says that they are Spies!
It made me laugh.

I suppose what I am getting at is....
how can people who treat me like dirt in real life find 
ANYTHING on my Facebook interesting? AND like the heck out of everything?

These people usually "like" my posts on FB but I don't think they read Blog. (their loss, right?)
Rant is over. Thank you for listening.
Opinions are appreciated.
Love you beyond the moon,

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